River Landforms and Processes- 25/11/2019

  • Complete the question b on page 13 of the textbook.                
  • Turn to page 17 in the textbook. Teacher talk about Rivers and River Landforms.                                                                     
  • Create a document (maximum side of A4) all about River Landforms. You may work together to do this task if you need help, however, I would advise starting independently first. This will be helpful to use as a revision guide, nearer to the time of the December Exams.                                                                                                                                            

RESOURCES for document

Please Note: Do not just copy and paste, and make sure that you also use some of your own knowldege too!     


  • Plenary Task, label create your own version of this diagram (by hand) and explain a point of information about each arrow.                                                                                                                                                                                
  • NOTE: Do not worry if you do not complete this all today, if you don't you will have time next lesson (26/11/19)