Frankenstein Life or Death

    ¹      I say that Frankensteins creation should be destoyed because it recons with natures natural abilites.What's dead is dead and what's alive is alive. A wise man once said " If it ain't broke, don't fiddle with it." Dr.Frankenstein obviously dug up dead bodies that were peacefully in their eternal rest( except for the guy who hung himself) and brought them back to life. Also the quote said that human beings is recognized as a sacred process in the Miracle of Life and is best left unaltered by humankind. Frankenstein dug up dead bodies, stitched back together using other peoples body parts, and brought it back from the dead using a thunderstorm obviously altering the "sacred process in the Miracle of Life."

    ²      Frankensteins creation was born unethically with the abnormal corrupted brain of a criminal. Knowing that the brain was abnormal and corrupt, Frankenstein still used it. The brain was corrupted with blood, death, murder, and killing. That was shown when he went on a killing spree killing practically everyone he came across, even his new found friend Marie. 

³          It does come to my attention that there are also very good reasons as to why the creation should live. Those being that he was newly born and didn't know his actions, only acted in self defense, and no one ever gave him a real chance. For the reasoning of killing his only friend, Marie, he just thought she would float like the flowers they were playing with. But then again, you have to remember that Frankensteins creation wasn't newly born. It was already a living creature that had died, he just decided to add other bidy parts that weren't compatible. As to why no one gave it a real chance is because of the elements it had been created.