Robert Hur: The Special Counsel Who Will Oversee the Biden Documents Investigation

The Justice Department has appointed Robert Hur as the special counsel to oversee the investigation into the classified documents found at President Biden's home and former office. Hur, a former U.S. Attorney for the District of Maryland, has a reputation for fairness and integrity.

Hur's Appointment

Attorney General Merrick Garland announced Hur's appointment on January 12, 2023. Garland praised Hur's experience and qualifications, stating that he is "an experienced prosecutor with a distinguished career of public service."

The Investigation

Hur will be responsible for investigating whether any laws were broken in connection with the handling of classified documents by President Biden or his associates. The investigation will include examining the circumstances surrounding the discovery of the documents, reviewing relevant evidence, and interviewing witnesses.

Legal Authority of a Special Counsel

As a special counsel, Hur has the authority to subpoena witnesses and documents, empanel a grand jury, and make charging decisions. He will operate independently of the Biden administration and will report directly to Garland.

Hur's Background

Hur previously served as U.S. Attorney for the District of Maryland from 2018 to 2021. Prior to that, he was an Assistant U.S. Attorney in Maryland for over a decade. Hur graduated from Harvard Law School in 1998 and clerked for Judge J. Harvie Wilkinson III of the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals.

Expectations for the Investigation

Hur's appointment is a significant step in the investigation into the handling of classified documents by President Biden. The investigation is expected to be thorough and impartial, and Hur will have the resources and authority to conduct a comprehensive review.

Public Interest

The investigation is of great public interest, as it involves the handling of classified documents by a sitting president. The public expects a fair and thorough investigation that will determine whether any laws were broken and hold accountable those responsible.

Transparency and Accountability

The Justice Department has pledged to provide transparency and accountability throughout the investigation. Hur will be required to provide regular updates to Garland and to Congress, and will release a final report once the investigation is complete.