Rooftop Grease Containment System

Whether you need a rooftop grease containment system depends on the nature of your business and the activities that take place on your rooftop. Rooftop grease containment systems are primarily designed to capture and contain grease and oil that might be generated from commercial kitchen exhaust systems. These systems are important for preventing grease buildup on the rooftop, which can pose various risks including:


1. Fire Hazard: Grease buildup is highly flammable and can lead to rooftop fires, which can spread to the rest of the building and neighboring structures.


2. Environmental Concerns: Grease and oil runoff from rooftops can pollute the surrounding environment, including stormwater systems, water bodies, and soil.


3. Structural Damage: Accumulated grease can degrade roofing materials and cause structural damage over time.


4. Regulatory Compliance: Many jurisdictions have regulations and codes that require commercial establishments with kitchen exhaust systems to install and maintain grease containment systems to prevent environmental and safety issues.


If your business involves cooking activities that generate grease, such as in restaurants, cafeterias, or food processing facilities, it's likely that you would need a rooftop grease containment system to ensure compliance with regulations and to mitigate the risks mentioned above. However, the specific requirements can vary based on local regulations, the type of cooking activities, and the size of the establishment. It's important to consult with local authorities and professionals in the field to determine whether you need a rooftop grease containment system and what type of system would be most suitable for your situation.