essay outline

the reason why I belive that perservrence is an important trait for someone to have is because having perservence is a great key to life you dont only have to listen to me Martin luther king says himself "an individual has not started living intil he/she can rise above the narrow confines individualistic concerns to the broader concerns of all humanity" if we dont have perserverance we will not be able to achieve our goals in life by giving up another examlie is one of my favoriate Disney princesses Tiana from the princess and the frog she didnt give up to buy her restraunt she scraped and saved till she could buy it even though she got turned down she didnt take no for an answer we cant take no for an answer we have to fight for what we want in life in order to get it there are many people i can name who perservered tp get where they are in life now but you would be reading forever so lets talk about a few