Who Should Take Driving Lessons?

If you're thinking of learning to drive, there's a good chance you'll need some help from a qualified driver. But who should take the driving lessons? 

Generally speaking, anyone who wants to learn to drive can do so with the right instruction. However, there are a few factors that may make someone a better candidate for driving lessons. Here are three things you should think about if you're interested in taking driving lessons at driving school pennant hills:

Your Ages and Experience
If you're younger than 18 years old or have never driven before, you might want to consider taking driving lessons with a licensed adult instructor. Someone your own age is likely more experienced behind the wheel than someone much older, and this will give you the best chance of learning safely. If you're over 18 years old and have experience driving with a valid license, feel free to take your driving lessons with an instructor regardless of your age. However, you'll probably have a better understanding of the controls and maneuvers required for safe driving if you started early and gained some basic experience before taking formal instruction. 

Once you've accumulated some driving experience, here are six more tips for becoming a safer driver:

#1 always wear your seat belt and use child safety seats when travelling with young children in the car.

#2 give yourself plenty of time to get where you're going - allow enough time for road conditions and traffic patterns.

#3 be aware of what's happening around you - watch for pedestrians, bicyclists, cars turning in or out of driveways, and buses coming down the street.

#4 keep your eyes on the road - avoid looking away from the wheel for any length of time, even for a moment.

#5 stay calm under pressure - things will sometimes seem much harder than they are.