Frankenstein's Monster

Lots of people have heard bout the monster, "Frankenstein".  Not everybody thinks about the creation though.  Here, I will explain my thoughts on wether or not this beast shall live or be destoyed. (Not die, because it is made of the dead.)  In my opinion, the monster should live. (People think of the word "Monster" in a bad connotation. In this essay, it means someone who is different. Not bad.) Just because a being is a bit different than others, does not mean it is automatically bad. If we really thin deeper about this, there are so many other fictional beings that are more dangerous and could harm humanity faster than it takes for Frankenstein's creation to walk down a hallway.

I think when people hear the name ''Frankenstein'', they think about a 8 feet tall green monster with a brain the size of a peanut. The same goes for any other monster. (Give or take some of the characteristics.)  Unless you say, ''Should it live? Should it die?'' That's when things get out of hand. Most people would say die, only because it could be a threat to the society, or because it has killed 3-4 people. As you may know, the creation is only a few days old. (Well, how long it's been sice its heart was reborn.) When a child is old enough to walk and such, they will follow their parents' footsteps. The monster was locked up after it was born, according to the 1930's movie, thus it didn't have anyone to mimic. When Igor goes into the chamber to harm the monster, it defended himself. Somehow due to fictional magic, the creation is extremely strong. Unfortunately for Igor, the monster then hung him, which makes the monster a murderer at only a few days old. If the monster wasn't threatened in the first place, I don't think it would have harmed Igor. It simply didn't know any better. 

If people gave the creator of the beast, Henry Frankentein, a chance at teaching him, then things may have been a bit better. People can change. Some take longer than others, but it is possible.