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Dr Andrea Boggild is an Associate Professor in the Department of Medicine at the University of Toronto, and is likewise the Medical Director of the Tropical Disease Unit in the Division of Infectious Diseases at Toronto General Hospital.Notwithstanding these jobs, she is the Parasitology Lead for the Public Health Ontario Laboratory and is an authorized  Travel vaccines Medical Microbiologist and Infectious Diseases doctor, who furnishes care to patients with movement obtained irresistible sicknesses in her clinical practice.As a Clinician Scientist in the Department of Medicine, she leads continuous global exploration and clinical joint efforts in the fields of leishmaniasis, jungle fever, and travel and movement wellbeing, and through this work has distributed more than 100 companion investigated articles and a few book parts.


She as of now serves on the Editorial Board of Travel Medicine and Infectious Disease, as an Associate Editor for the Journal of Travel Medicine, and as the Tropical, Travel, and Emerging Infections Section co-proofreader for Current Infectious Disease Reports. She is an individual from the Committee to Advise on Tropical Medicine and Travel (CATMAT), an outer warning body to the Public Health Agency of Canada, and is the Director of Epidemic Intelligence and Surveillance for CanTravNet, the Canadian consortium of GeoSentinel Surveillance Network destinations.

Tropical Diseases, Travel Medicine and Vaccines is an open access diary that thinks about fundamental, translational and applied research, as well as surveys and editorial, connected with the anticipation and the executives of medical care and illnesses in global voyagers. Given the progressions in segment patterns of explorers worldwide, as well as the epidemiological advances which numerous nations are encountering, the diary considers non-irresistible issues including constant sickness among target populaces of interest along with irresistible illnesses.

The International Journal of Travel Medicine and Global Health (IJTMGH) has been positioned as a Scientific and Research diary by the board of the Iranian Medical Sciences Journals of the Ministry of Health and Education. The diary is a companion looked into worldwide scholastic diary distributed quarterly by the International Travel Medicine Center of Iran. IJTMGH distributes papers in all fields of Travel Medicine and Global Health intending to expand the agreement, conclusion and treatment of different issues which can be introduced, crumbled, and mended in a movement.