Run A-Muk

Your mind is racing, your heart is pounding, and you feel like you're about to burst. You're on the run, and there's no turning back.
Maybe it was something someone said, or maybe it was just a feeling that you couldn't shake. Whatever the reason, you've reached a point where you can't take it anymore. You need to get away, to escape the chaos and find some peace.
So you run. You run as fast as you can, as far as you can. You don't know where you're going, and you don't care. All you know is that you need to keep moving.
As you run, your thoughts start to slow down. The world around you starts to blur, and the only thing that matters is the rhythm of your feet hitting the pavement. You start to feel a sense of freedom, a sense of liberation.
You're finally free from the things that have been holding you back. You're free to be yourself, to do what you want, and to go wherever your heart takes you.
You keep running, and as you run, you start to feel stronger. You start to feel like you can overcome anything. You start to feel like you can conquer the world.
You're not sure how long you've been running, but you know that you can't stop now. You're on a roll, and you're not going to let anything get in your way.
You keep running, and as you run, you start to see a light in the distance. It's a small light, but it's getting brighter and brighter with each step you take.
You keep running, and as you run, you start to feel a sense of hope. You start to believe that you can make it. You start to believe that you can find your way back home.
You keep running, and as you run, the light gets brighter and brighter. You can see it clearly now, and you know that it's the way out.
You keep running, and as you run, you start to feel a sense of peace. You've made it. You've escaped the darkness, and you're finally free.
You keep running, and as you run, you start to smile. You've found your way back home, and you're never going to let it go again.