
Frankenstein's creation should be destroyed.There are ways to go behind reason why....He can't be controlled..Killed innocent people..Can't speak and tel his side of the story. For example when he killed the litle girl she was showing him that a flower could float in the water and when he ran out of flowers he then picked up the little girl in a way of seeing if she would float as well, but after seing her screaming and water splashes everywhere he then realized she couldn't and went for help.As he was trying to get help he then saw something else that distracted him from what he was planning on doing... Natural Impose of forgetting.    

Some would even say that his creation was even brain dead in a way because he wasn't naturally made like a actual human being,but the brain that Herr Frankenstein used was actually a criminal brain so not only would it confuse others in that town but it was confuse the creation its self because he was scared and confused on why there were people out to kill him..which they did later on that the movie.
 His was misuderstood as was killed on something he didn't know what was he didn't know right from wrong.