Peer Assessments: Sabrina and Lauren

Sabrina Dendle

Story Structure: 5

Characterization: 4 – maybe tell us more about Millie

Ideas: 5 – I want to know what will happen next with Millie and the boy!

Designing Organization: 5

Specific Assignment Directions: 4 – I am unsure of your parable

Description: 5– excellent use of very descriptive words

Word Choice: 5

Sentence Variety: 4

Voice/Sense of Audience: 5

Grammar/Punctuation: 4 – missed end quotations, comma use

Spelling and Word Usage: 4 – a handful of spelling errors, words just missing letters

Overall assignment presentation: 4 – missing title

Total: 54

Assessment: The best aspect of this assignment was the description of the actual meet-cute. One aspect of this assignment that may require further revision is the balance of ideas. I don’t know if you are going to continue the story for the final draft, but I’d love to see more of what will happen with the two main characters because at this point, I know more about the antique furniture store than the two people.

Grade:  A-


Lauren Jyo

Story Structure: 4 – you have a great story structure and setting, but you can elaborate more on your characters.

Characterization: 4 – you developed such interesting characters and you had nice and appropriate dialogue, but identify who is speaking during dialogue when there are more than 2 characters speaking. Is Uncle Joe a relative or calabash?

Ideas: 5 – unexpected details! Example: parents being drug dealers. I enjoyed reading that part

Designing Organization: 5

Specific Assignment Directions: 5 – your parable fit very nicely with the meet-cute!

Description: 4

Word Choice: 4

Sentence Variety: 4

Voice/Sense of Audience: 5

Grammar/Punctuation: 4 – commas and end punctuation for quotations

Spelling and Word Usage: 4 – words and tense consistency, unable to identify subject with pronouns

Overall assignment presentation: 4 – page number heading was only on first page, missing title

Total: 52

Assessment: The best aspect of this assignment was the plot. It was very interesting to read and I didn’t know what to expect as I continued to read.

One aspect of this assignment that may require further revision is your grammar and punctuation. Like mentioned above, there were many errors, but since it’s a first draft, it’s understandable. I really liked how Mika had family drama connected with her love life. Maybe the meet-cute can be even MORE cute!

Grade: A-