Sabrina and Megan Peer Reviews

Creative Writing Evaluation


Name of Whose Work You Are Working On: Megan Ho


Story Structure: 4

-Structured very well, and easy to follow.  Some unfinished thoughts when paragraph ends. 

Characterization: 4

-3 main characters are easily distinguished from one another. (grandma, Tate, and Harley)


Ideas: 4

-Ideas are good but sometimes it will just end in some paragraphs to begin a new idea.  Other than that I really like the story and where it’s headed.


Designing Organization:  4

-I thought you used appropriate transitions when you were about to begin another plotline. 

Specific Assignment Directions: 4

-All required components were found in the short story.  With more characters you can incorporate in more plot lines.

Language Use:

Description: 5

-descriptions allowed me to picture what was happening to the characters.  For example, when Harley was startled she had an “immense amount of fear and jumped into the creek”.

Word Choice: 4

-used a good amount of effective word choice

Sentence Variety:  4

-I found a couple of awkward sentences but everything else flowed smoothly throughout.

Voice/Sense of Audience: 5

-strong and clear sense of voice throughout the story of the narrator as well as dialogue between characters.


Grammar/Punctuation: 5

-Didn’t find typos just missing commas in a few places

Spelling and Word Usage: 5

-All words were spelled correctly and most words were used in the right context

Overall Assignment Presentation: 5

-I enjoyed reading your story



-The best aspect of this assignment was the structure and dialogue.  I thought the story wasn’t confusing jumping from one plot to another.  It was easy to follow and very interesting.

-One aspect that could use further revision is detail.  Maybe adding in a few more characters for example maybe if Harley had a friend that causes problems or plays some role in the story. 

The grade I would give this assignment is: A-


Name of Whose Work You Are Working On: Sabrina Dendle


Story Structure: 4

-clear structure, you had an intro introducing millie and some background information needed to understand the rest of the story

Characterization: 4

-I was able the different characters and their interactions throughout the story.


Ideas: 5          

-You have a lot of ideas going on in the story which is good.


Designing Organization: 4

-I can tell you have a focus but it kind of gets lost because you have a lot of good ideas going on. 

Specific Assignment Directions: 4

-Followed directions; everything in MLA formatting, but maybe have a few more characters.

Language Use:

Description: 5

-very good use of sensory detail when it comes to the piano

Word Choice: 4

-used a couple of complex words within story that I had to look up the definition for

Sentence Variety: 4

Most of the dialogue tends to come in the middle, maybe incorporating a little more in the beginning and shortening the introduction.

Voice/Sense of Audience: 5

-Strong sense of voice throughout the story


Grammar/Punctuation: 4

-a few typos here and there, if you just read through it you should be able to catch them

Spelling and Word Usage: 5

-most words spelled and used in the right context

Overall Assignment Presentation: 4

-followed MLA and incorporated the required components the professor expected us to put in



The best aspect of this assignment is the completeness of your story.  There’s a lot going on making it interesting to read and follow along with what’s going on. 

One aspect of this assignment that may need further revision is structure.

The grade I would give this assignment is: A-