Safeguarding Workplace- Keeping Employees Safe and Secure

Mass shootings and gun violence has plagued the nation and has left the country in a state of shock. More and more people are resorting to violence by taking matters into their own hands. Workplace violence has also seen a significant surge over the past years which is a grave matter to handle for the employers. According to OSHA- Occupational Safety and Health Administration, there were over 500 workplace homicides out of which 80% were done with firearms, in a single year. Due to these alarming stats that have just multiplied over the years many employers are thinking of ways to ensure that all the employees, customers and property is safe and secure from such violent endeavors. 

Acquiring California legal rifles is a constitutional right of every American citizen but making sure that no innocent person is harassed by this right is a duty of all business owners and employers. Workplace violence can be physical, it can also be mild harassment, intimidation, threatening, verbally abusive or homicidal. Proper rules must be laid out and strict discipline must be taken in a timely manner in order to nip the problem in the bud and set an example. So what can employers and entrepreneurs do to ensure that the workplace is secure, safe and friendly for all? Well, there are quite a few ways employers can keep everything and everyone in line and take measures that can allow them to run things smoothly. 

Safeguarding Workplace with These 5 Measures

1. Clear Worded Violence Policy

It is very important and totally indispensable to have a zero tolerance policy for violence. Your company policy about gun violence and workplace harassment should be clear as day, strong, powerful and formidable. There should be no exceptions or leverages given and every employee should have to sign a clause that ensures they have been bound by law to observe these rules. Making a strong anti-violence policy is not enough, employers need to ensure that it is also implemented. The HR department should be hands-on, they must have an Open-Door style which encourages people to feel free to report. All reports should be taken seriously, full documentation should be done and investigation should be held before admitting or dismissing any plea. CCTV cameras play a pivotal role so don’t skim on that!

2. Meticulous Background Checks

Your hiring policy should also reflect a strong apprehension and reservation for people with violent histories. I am all about giving second chances to people but that should come with a hefty price of endangering others. Make sure to do comprehensive and satisfactory criminal or mental health background checks. Moreover it is very important to have professional or personal references for the employee in order to do your due diligence. In the best case you won’t find anything and in the worst case you may find something, but in both cases you won’t be claimed for negligent hire, which is a win! 

3. Strong Implementation of Disciplinary Actions

Your disciplinary actions in case of any situation will set a strong example which other employees will be taking note of. You must have a zero-tolerance approach of violence, harassment, threats and intimidation. Your disciplinary committee should be unbiased, respected and trusted. If the situation has already escalated, the disciplinary actions should be strong and decisive with no room for wrong judgements. The actions should be strict, unbiased and should help build a better environment. 

4. Well-thought out Security Measures

It is  the job of the employers and business owners to ensure that the workplace is safe and secure for each employee. Having a proper metal detection each time any individual steps in the premises of the workplace. Day and night security cameras and well-trained guards with California legal rifles must be situated at all entry points. You can buy some great and reliable guns from San Diego gun stores. Also make sure to install proper signage at different points to remind people they are being watched or they are prohibited to have certain items on themselves once they are at the workplace. 

5. Complete No the Firearms

No matter what the case is, you must implement a zero-tolerance policy for any kind of weapons owned by any employee inside the workplace. Even if the person has all the permits and legal documentation, the no-weapons policy is a must as it can allow everyone to be an equal with no level of intimidation. 

6. Conduct Proper Trainings

As a professional workplace, you must do team building exercises in order to ensure everyone gels well together. In these training you can also have days for ensuring employees have enough practice to deal with irrational behaviors or situations. In case of a gun violence incident, proper alarms and drills should also be carried out. 


Just like home, we spend a good amount of time at our workplace as well. It is very important for the employers to ensure that all the employees feel safe and secure once they enter the workplace.