5 Reasons Why Every Woman Should Know How To Safely Handle A Gun

Acquiring a gun, shooting with a firearm and protecting one’s family, all these activities are often associated with men rather than women. However, this mindset is changing rapidly around the globe as women are taking control of their lives and becoming independent and self-reliant.


In fact, women have been using firearms to protect themselves for as long as their male counterparts have been but this fact isn't celebrated much. The Second Amendment Act allows all the citizens of America to own handguns San Diego from the age of 21 or above and women fall into that category. The good news is that more and more women are exercising their rights and taking their protection in their own hands.


This is a very empowering and pivotal change as its effects will be seen in the upcoming years to come. Although the crimes are at an all-time high around the world, the crimes against women are particularly high. Women are often thought of as easy prey which results in heinous crimes against them. But there is nothing more amazing, empowering and sexy than a woman protecting herself without any help and taking the world head on without any fear.


But as the famous saying goes, “with great power comes great responsibility” and owning a firearm is a great responsibility for sure. As much as a firearm can protect you, it can also cause irreversible damage to someone else, so if you’re a gun owner you must know how to take care of not only yourself but people around you.


  1. Reasons Why Every Woman Should Know How to Safely Handle a Gun


1.Personal Protection

Throughout the history of mankind, women have always been considered as a weaker and vulnerable sex that needs to be protected. Various crimes and numerous assaults have been inflicted upon women due to this mindset but if a woman knows how to safely handle a gun she doesn’t need to be protected anymore.


Your confidence in handling a firearm will allow you to give a befitting reply in case someone tries to breach your space or advances with evil intent. It’s absolutely important to learn how to shoot, practice at a shooting range and take up a self-defense course to show people you are no longer a weaker sex that needs a man!


2.Confidence and Self-Reliance

It is one thing to say that today’s woman is empowered, confident, independent and fierce but becoming one takes a lot of hard earned lessons and bad experiences for sure. You can’t just feel empowered and confident, you have to become one. Owning a firearm and learning how to handle it safely is one of the crucial steps towards this state of mind.


When you learn or acquire a new skill like handling or firing a gun, you become confident and prepare yourself for the worst. Your good handling of the firearm will increase your confidence and boost your self-reliance and this will eventually make you empowered.


3.An Increase in Single Women

Another very important reason why every woman should know how to safely handle a gun is due to the fact that more and more women are leading a single life. Earlier on, women mostly loved their whole life in a very protected environment, surrounded by various male figures but as they have embarked on their empowerment journey, they are also facing this new challenge of being their own protector.


Today’s women works a full time job, run errands, does groceries, do school drop offs, goes to fitness classes and so much more that it is absolutely pivotal for them to be able to handle a weapon safely so that at any time, any situation they have their own backs and don’t have to lean on a male for that.


4.World is a Selfish Place

The world that we live in today is cruel, fast-paced, unforgiving and very selfish. People don’t have any time to give a damn about anyone. As the world is becoming more like a battlefield rather than a habitable space, we need to be responsible for our own protection. If you think that you’re safe in a public place like a park or parking lots of a mall, then sorry to burst your bubble, it isn’t! If you’re in danger then no one is going to risk their own life to save you. So learn how to handle a gun and be your own protector!


5.Women are Born Weak

There is no doubt in the fact that a male is more physically powerful than the women of her age, weight or height. It's because they have been made like that. But women don’t have to rely on their physical strength if they have a firearm to do the job, right?


Final Thoughts

Being a feminist myself, I am a strong advocator of self-reliance and women empowerment. We don’t need men to protect us, we just need the right skill set and handling a firearm is definitely far up on that ladder. Buy the best firearms from San Diego gun stores and live life to the fullest!