Sankofa Square Toronto: A Place of Remembrance and Reconciliation

Nestled in the heart of Toronto's vibrant downtown, Sankofa Square stands as a beacon of resilience and unity. Its name derives from the Akan proverb, "Sankofa," which translates to "go back to retrieve that which you have forgotten."

Remembering the Past, Embracing the Future

Sankofa Square is a living memorial to the untold stories of Africans in Canada. Its focal point is a striking bronze sculpture by renowned artist Dr. Gerald McMaster. The sculpture depicts three interconnected figures, reaching out to one another in a symbol of unity and shared history.

The Legacy of Slavery and Resistance

The square commemorates the arrival of the first documented Black person in Canada in 1604, as well as the subsequent centuries of slavery and oppression endured by Africans and their descendants. Yet, it also celebrates the indomitable spirit of those who resisted and fought for their freedom.

A Place for Dialogue and Reconciliation

Sankofa Square is more than just a memorial. It's a space for reflecting on the past and engaging in difficult conversations about race, identity, and reconciliation. Through educational programs and community events, the square fosters dialogue between diverse groups, promoting understanding and healing.

A Vibrant Community Gathering Space

Beyond its historical significance, Sankofa Square is also a vibrant gathering space for the community. The square hosts festivals, performances, and other events that bring people together from all walks of life. Its open-air seating, verdant lawn, and adjacent splash pad make it an inviting place for families and friends to connect.

My Personal Connection

As a Torontonian of African descent, Sankofa Square holds a special place in my heart. It's a place where I can connect with my heritage, honor the struggles and triumphs of my ancestors, and witness the ongoing pursuit of unity and justice.

One memorable evening, as I watched children of all races playing together in the square, I couldn't help but be filled with hope.

Sankofa Square is a living embodiment of the belief that by remembering our past, we can shape a better future.

A Call to Reflection and Action

Sankofa Square is a reminder to all Canadians of the rich contributions made by Africans to our nation. It's a place where we can come together to reflect on our history, engage in difficult conversations, and work towards a future where equity and inclusion prevail.