SAQ greve: What You Need to Know

24 hours without SAQ
The SAQ strike is a hot topic right now. People are wondering what it means for them and how they're going to get their hands on their favorite alcoholic beverages. Quite frankly, boredom is starting to creep in, and I, for one, am enjoying this period of "dry spell" a little too much. But hey, for those who are struggling, here's a little something to help you through these trying times.
The strike began at 12:01 a.m. on November 10 and expected to last 24 hours. The union representing the workers, the Syndicat des employées et employés de commerce, is asking for a 12% salary increase over three years, better working conditions, and a guarantee of no layoffs. The SAQ is offering an 8% salary increase over three years and no layoffs.
The strike is causing major disruptions for customers. All SAQ stores are closed, and online orders are not being processed. This is a major inconvenience for people who rely on the SAQ for their alcohol needs. This inconvenience, however, is making me realize how much I was buying without even thinking about it. Maybe this is a sign.
The strike is also having a significant impact on the SAQ's bottom line. The company is losing an estimated $4 million per day in sales. This is a major blow to a company that already struggling financially.
The SAQ strike is a complex issue with no easy solutions. The union is representing the workers is fighting for what they believe is fair, and the SAQ is trying to protect a bottom line. Customers are caught in the middle, and they're the ones who are suffering.
What can you do during the strike?
I know, it's very hard to imagine the holidays without a little cheer, but there are a few things you can do during the strike to get your fix.
- You can purchase alcohol from other retailers. Beer, wine, and hard alcohol can be found at grocery stores, convenience stores, and gas stations.
- You can stock up on non-alcoholic beverages. This may not sound as fulfilling, but it's better than nothing. Hey, I'm sipping on a sparkling water as we speak, and I'm kind of loving it.
- You can make your own alcohol. This is a great option if you have the time and the skills. This would be great for an at-home cocktail making party! But please, consume responsibly.
I know, it's tough, but I'm proud of all of us for making it through these trying times. Just remember, if you do decide to partake in any substances, please do so responsibly. Don't drink and drive. If you see that you've partied too hard, call an Uber.