Sarah Engle (RD Perseverance)

The trait, perseverance, defined as "persistence in doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success." is a life-long necessity to a good and fulfilled life. Perseverance is the single most important trait an individual can possess in order to complete things and get things accomplished. It helps us follow through, be responsible, and surpass any obstacle or limit. With perseverance, there is no limit to things you can do and achieve in life. 

Perseverance can help you continue on something and not give up, especially if it needs to be done. When you aim at something, achieve it. Persevering will help you more that procrastinating ever will. For example, the structure of a house you are constructing. Out of laziness, you do not structure it right. Rather fixing it, you waste no time to finish it only for the whole thing to break. Giving up gets you absolutely nowhere.

Another thing perseverance can help you with is that all things