Sara's Malayalam Movie Review

What is the story about?

In this post, we convey Sara’s Malayalam Movie Review. Sara (depicted by Anna Ben) is a splendid, youthful producer who is very nearly guiding her first since forever film. She has quite recently turned 25, and like in most Indian societies, that implies it is "the ideal opportunity for her to discover a spouse". In spite of not being keen on "settling down" immediately – because of her growing profession in the Malayalam entertainment world, she consents to meet with qualified men to assuage her folks. Be that as it may, she has one significant guideline with regards to discovering a spouse – no children. Will she discover a man who fulfills just that?


As expected Anna Ben and Sunny Wayne take up a large portion of the screen time in his film. The characters they depict are very relatable and amusing, and they make it hard to remove our eyes from the screen. Their on-screen science is acceptable to such an extent that it causes their exchange to appear to be ad- libbed as opposed to prearranged (which it wasn't, credit to the screenwriter). There were some critical side characters as well, depicted by Mallika Sukumaran and Benny P. Nayarambalam.


Both Anna Ben and Sunny Wayne have performed their respective roles pretty well. But even without them for a few scenes, the film manages to make us not feel bored because of equally contributing roles from other characters as well. Some great work has been done in the writing and editing part.

With that being said, let’s look into the actual analysis of the movie. The film starts off with a flashback into Sara’s high school senior days which in itself was done pretty well. The film’s plot is sort of unique from the other films we usually get to see these days. Sara is a film enthusiast and always wanted to become a director when she grows up, but the twist is that she is not willing to have any children. She finally lands her first directorial role at the age of 25 which puts another level of pressure from her parents to get married soon. This sets up the plot for the film i.e. whether she will find a man who will understand her and go hand in hand with her passion/career.