Saving Nature for the Future

Letter to the Future

Most people these days have many stressors in their life. There are lots of ways to help calm stresses that life puts on most children and adults but one of the simplest cures is within nature. Nature can be a refresh for most people to slow down and take a deep breath. Whether a personal pause on life is an escape to a lake, beach, or mountain it can be exactly what most need to have relief. When I find myself needing a break from reality, I run to nature to help relieve me from the weight I feel.

Growing up in Georgia I have been thankful to have spent a lot of time on Lake Allatoona, in the Appalachian Mountains, and the beaches in Florida and Alabama. From my experiences of going to these locations and immersing myself into the pure beauty of nature, they have captured a piece of my heart. Nature is a place where I can slow down and feel like time is flying by all at the same time. Growing up boating on Lake Allatoona is something I want my children, grandchildren, and the rest of my future family to experience. My favorite fun time things on the lake are teaching each other how to wakeboard or getting thrown off a tube into the refreshing blue water. An inconvenience of nature that turned into a fun memory is getting stuck in the middle of a rainstorm and squeezing together under a small covered part of the boat to avoid getting soaked by the cold hard rain. The best thing to do when needing a break from a life full of chaos is going out on a boat alone finding a small cove to anchor down in and enjoying time with yourself. Something nature has taught me that I hope people in the future will still learn is that one of the most important things in life is to love spending time with yourself. However, nature brings people together and I want people in the year 2099 to be able to come together all while experiencing the beauty of nature.

The mountains are peaceful, serene, and a sight that no one should miss out on. Sipping coffee on the back porch of a cabin overlooking the mountain view on a chilly morning is music to my ears. The mountains are an escape to put thoughts together, make amazing memories, or simply a place to find yourself. Taking trips to mountain cabins is something that my mom planned for us to do from a very young age. I love those memories of trekking in the snow to find animals and enjoying time with the family and friends that would join us. As I have gotten older, I began to realize that the mountains are one of my favorite winter escapes. Any chance I can take to get to spend time in the mountains, I take. I have spent many birthdays in quaint cabins with my close friends and family, and they are some of the best times. Sadly, global warming is becoming very real for our environment and it is only the year 2020. If our society is not able to begin to change and make a difference, by the time it is 2099 our entire mountain ecosystem will be different.

A lot of people find peace and serenity when going to the beach. The beach is another amazing thing that nature blesses us with. The calmness that is found when listening to the waves crash and the tide roll against the sand. The joy that most experience listening to the beach music amidst children playing in the ocean and sand. The warm sensation of the sandy warm air blowing on your sun-kissed skin. Taking the time to go to the beach is something that a lot of families try to do once or twice a year. A baby's first trip to the beach is always a memorable milestone. The beach is full of joy, a place to create lots of memories, and contains many different types of people. It is such a positive thing that nature has allowed us to meet and come together with so many different types of people at beaches. However, a downside to having beaches that are constantly populated is the amount of trash that builds up. It is a major concern for our environment that trash is not being disposed of properly and it is affecting more than just nature. Leaving trash around the beach has harmful effects on the animals. Thankfully it is being made apparent of how bad it is for our environment and the proper ways to dispose of trash.

Nature has blessed us with many beautiful things, and I hope that they continue to be more beautiful by the year 2099. I use nature to grow closer with myself, my family, and my friends and I believe nature is one of the best tools for self-love and self-growth. I hope that in the future our society is more engaged with nature and tries their best to better the beauty of nature. I plan to show my future children and family that I grow the goodness of nature and all that it can give and benefit us. The future is going to be full of amazing things and nature will be one of those.