SC Advisors Real Estate Campus Crusade for Christ (CRU)



In 1989, Campus Crusade for Christ, (CRU) an interdenominational ministry then located in San Bernardino, California, received an offer of 275 acres in Southeast Orange County from local landowner Charles Bradshaw who hoped the gift would draw the ministry to Central Florida. CRU accepted the gift and in 1991 moved its world headquarters to temporary space in Orlando, hoping to build approximately 250,000 sf of office and training space and a visitor’s center in a campus like setting.


Initial efforts to develop plans, secure entitlements and zoning, and raise the funds necessary to construct the new headquarters stalled. In 1994, CRU Founder and President Dr. Bill Bright turned to Jay Berlinsky to jump start the headquarters project and lead it to completion. Jay accepted the challenge.


He and his development team quickly engaged architects and engineers to create a site plan and building designs while developing a plan to obtain the necessary zoning and entitlements. In addition to preparing the large number of complex applications required by municipal agencies, team members met individually with agency staff and elected officials to clarify their plans and respond to questions. They held multiple meetings with residents and other landowners in the area. The development team was also actively engaged in the fundraising effort, offering assurances to potential donors that the project was feasible and that every contributed dollar would be spent wisely.


Ground was finally broken in 1996 and in October of 1998, CRU’s world headquarters on the shores of Lake Hart was dedicated. Almost twenty years later, as the landscape has matured and the buildings have aged, the campus is home to more than 1,000 staff and volunteers.