Reasons Why Orthopedic Expert Witness Is Getting More Popular In The Past Decade.

As an Orthopedic Surgery Expert Witness, Dr. Powell has completed more than 50 depositions, testified in 20 trials, and reviewed well over 100 orthopedic medical negligence cases. He was also personally injured as a result of a medical malpractice.

Most recently, Dr. Powell was the lead Orthopedic Doctor witness in the dangerous medical experiments case entitled “Pediatric Lab Technician Robert Baumann v. MDI and Tom Baumann.”

A difficult, precedent-setting case, this case stemmed from an ongoing litigation where a pediatric lab technician fell into an open elevator shaft at the Ogunquit Pediatric Center and suffered serious leg injuries. The technician sued MDI and the Baumanns for negligence, claiming they were negligent in supervising the lab technician and in ensuring he was properly equipped.

During trial, Dr. Powell was lead Orthopedic Doctor witness.

After taking testimony on the dangerous experiments case, Dr. Powell also served as lead Orthopedic Doctor witness in the Lyme Disease Case. In this case, Dr. Powell was the lead Orthopedic Doctor witness in an action for Lyme Disease.

He was the lead Orthopedic Doctor witness in the unwarranted termination case, “Psychiatrist Kim Snyder v. Ogunquit Psychiatric Center.” This case involved a psychiatrist who was abruptly terminated by the Ogunquit Psychiatric Center. In response to this wrongful termination, the psychiatrist brought a wrongful termination lawsuit, and Dr. Powell was lead Orthopedic Doctor witness.

“As a medical malpractice lawyer, it is my duty to stand up for the health and welfare of my clients. One of the main reasons I do this is because I am personally injured and take personal interest in these matters,” said Dr. Powell. “I represent my clients to ensure that they get the most effective medical treatment in an orderly and safe manner.”

As a priest, it is my duty to stand up for the people of God.

As a nurse, it is my duty to stand up for all those who come to me for medical care.


Contact Media

              Company Name: Orthopedic Expert Witness

              Address: 2701 W Alameda Ave #200, Burbank, CA 91505

              Phone: (818) 570-5000
