Seaman Abbas Haruna: A Hero Neglected

In a time when the world is filled with stories of wrongdoing and injustice, it's easy to become disheartened. But sometimes, there are stories that emerge that restore our faith in humanity. The story of Seaman Abbas Haruna is one such story.
Abbas Haruna is a Nigerian naval rating who has been held in detention for nearly six years without trial. His alleged crime? Refusing to obey an illegal order. Haruna's story is a reminder of the importance of due process and the rule of law, and it's a story that should be heard by everyone.
Haruna's ordeal began in 2015, when he was assigned to a mission to escort a ship carrying arms and ammunition to Chad. When the ship arrived in Chad, the Chadian authorities refused to accept the cargo, and Haruna was ordered to return to Nigeria with the ship. However, Haruna refused to obey the order, believing that it was illegal. He argued that the ship was carrying weapons that could be used to fuel conflict in Chad, and he didn't want to be responsible for the deaths of innocent people.
Haruna's refusal to obey the order angered his superiors, and he was arrested and detained. He was eventually charged with mutiny, but the charges were later dropped. Despite this, Haruna remained in detention, and he has been there ever since.
Haruna's case has been taken up by the Nigerian Human Rights Commission, which has called for his release. The commission has argued that Haruna's detention is illegal and that he is being punished for whistleblowing. The commission has also called for an investigation into the allegations of misconduct against Haruna's superiors.
The Nigerian Navy has defended its actions, saying that Haruna is being held for disciplinary reasons. However, the Navy has not provided any evidence to support its claims.
Haruna's case is a reminder of the importance of due process and the rule of law. No one should be held in detention without trial, and no one should be punished for whistleblowing. Haruna's story is a story of courage and resilience, and it's a story that should be heard by everyone.
We urge the Nigerian government to release Haruna immediately and to investigate the allegations of misconduct against his superiors. We also urge the Nigerian people to stand up for Haruna and for the rule of law.