September prayer

As the days grow shorter and the leaves begin to turn, we know that autumn is just around the corner. For many of us, this time of year brings a sense of change and renewal. It's a time to reflect on the past year and to look ahead to the future. It's also a time to give thanks for the good things in our lives and to ask for guidance and strength as we face the challenges ahead.

This September, I invite you to join me in prayer. Let us pray for peace in our world, for healing for those who are sick, and for strength for those who are struggling. Let us pray for our leaders, that they may make wise decisions, and for our communities, that they may be places of compassion and hope.

Let us also pray for ourselves. Let us pray for the courage to follow our dreams, the wisdom to make good choices, and the faith to believe that anything is possible.

As we enter this new season, let us do so with a renewed sense of hope and optimism. Let us believe that the best is yet to come.


  • A prayer for peace

God of peace, we pray for peace in our world. We pray for an end to war and violence, for an end to hatred and division. We pray for peace in our hearts and in our homes, and for peace among all people. Amen.

  • A prayer for healing

God of healing, we pray for healing for those who are sick. We pray for those who are suffering from physical pain, emotional pain, or spiritual pain. We pray for healing for our bodies, our minds, and our spirits. Amen.

  • A prayer for strength

God of strength, we pray for strength for those who are struggling. We pray for strength for those who are facing challenges, for those who are feeling overwhelmed, and for those who are losing hope. We pray for strength to carry on, to overcome adversity, and to find hope in the midst of darkness. Amen.

  • A prayer for guidance

God of guidance, we pray for guidance as we face the future. We pray for wisdom to make good choices, for courage to follow our dreams, and for faith to believe that anything is possible. We pray for your guidance in our lives, so that we may live in accordance with your will. Amen.

  • A prayer for hope

God of hope, we pray for hope in the midst of uncertainty. We pray for hope for those who are facing challenges, for hope for those who are losing faith, and for hope for our world. We pray for hope that will sustain us through difficult times, and for hope that will inspire us to keep moving forward. Amen.

  • A prayer for faith

God of faith, we pray for faith to believe in ourselves, to believe in others, and to believe in you. We pray for faith to overcome our doubts, to trust in your plan, and to live our lives in accordance with your will. We pray for faith that will sustain us through difficult times, and for faith that will inspire us to live lives of love and compassion. Amen.