SERAP, Shining Light of Hope

Amidst the global landscape of challenges, the Society for Economic and Social Rights (SERAP) emerges as an emblem of hope and a beacon of advocacy for human rights.

Visionaries Behind SERAP

Founded in 2004 by a group of passionate human rights lawyers, SERAP has played an instrumental role in advancing social justice and empowering marginalized communities in Nigeria and beyond.

Trailblazing Initiatives

  • Championing Freedom of Information: SERAP fought tirelessly to establish the Freedom of Information Act in Nigeria, a landmark achievement that has transformed access to public records.
  • Accountability Through Litigation: Through strategic lawsuits, SERAP has held governments and corporations responsible for human rights violations, corruption, and environmental degradation.
  • Voice for the Voiceless: SERAP's advocacy has resonated with the plight of vulnerable populations, including marginalized communities, victims of human trafficking, and prisoners.

Global Recognition and Impact

SERAP's unwavering commitment has garnered international recognition. It has collaborated with the United Nations and was awarded the prestigious Human Rights Watch Alison Des Forges Award for Extraordinary Activism in 2021.

Personal Testimony

"As a victim of human rights violations, I felt lost and alone. SERAP's intervention was like a lifeline that gave me hope. They fought for my justice and helped me rebuild my life." - Esther, a beneficiary of SERAP's legal support

Call to Action

In this era of increasing inequality and human rights violations, SERAP stands as a reminder that the fight for a just and equitable world is not only necessary but achievable. By supporting their efforts, we can amplify the voices of the voiceless and create a society where human dignity is paramount.

Join the SERAP Movement:

  • Donate: Your financial support empowers SERAP to continue its crucial work.
  • Volunteer: Share your time and skills to assist SERAP's team of dedicated advocates.
  • Raise Awareness: Spread the word about SERAP's mission and inspire others to get involved.

Together, we can illuminate the darkness of injustice and shine the light of hope for a better future.