We all know the feeling. We're sitting in a meeting, and someone brings up a topic that we know is going to be controversial. We can feel the tension in the air as people start to take sides. We might even start to feel a little anxious ourselves.
So what do we do? We avoid it. We change the subject, or we just keep our mouths shut. We don't want to rock the boat, or make anyone uncomfortable.
But what if I told you that avoiding controversial topics is actually hurting us?
  • First, it prevents us from having honest and open conversations.
If we're not willing to talk about the things that we disagree on, then we're not going to be able to find common ground. We're going to be stuck in a perpetual state of disagreement and division.
  • Second, it can lead to resentment.
If we feel like we're not being heard, or that our opinions don't matter, then we're going to start to resent the people who are silencing us. This can lead to conflict and even violence.
Of course, I'm not saying that we should go out of our way to start arguments. But I am saying that we shouldn't be afraid to talk about the things that we disagree on. If we can do that respectfully and with an open mind, then we can actually learn from each other and find ways to move forward together.
So next time you're in a meeting and someone brings up a controversial topic, don't be afraid to speak up. Share your opinion, even if it's not popular. You might just be surprised at how many people agree with you.
And if you're feeling anxious about speaking up, remember this: you're not alone. We all have to deal with this at some point. Just take a deep breath and say what you need to say. You'll be glad you did.