Benefits of Journaling :)

Middle school can be tough, especially since many kids are nervous and don't know how to express themselves towards others. Many kids though have found ways to stay comftorable during middle school years, and journaling is one of them. Journaling is a gate-way towards a comftorable life in middle school because of all the benefits that help a struggling kids express themselves. Their are many benefits that help a kid, and their are three main benefits that'll make a kid "survive" and succed in their middle school years.

The first important benefit of journaling is that it helps improve writing (skills). It can help a lot if middle schoolers's are struggling to write. According to The Benefits of Journaling for Kids by VeryWell Family it says, "Even though it's still more personal than a math or science journal, this type of journal is not so much a diary as it is a way to practice all the skills of writing...". This sentence explains how journaling helps with writing prompts and essays to become prepared to be successful in middle school. For example, a kid who is stuggling in ELA class dosen't know how to do elaborate on evidence, he/she could practice and practice in their journal. Overall they can see progression in writing as the days go by and strive. 

Another important benefit is that journaling also helps with other school subjects that some students are struggling on. According to The Benefits of Journaling for Kids by VeryWell Family it explains, "The versatility of journaling means it can be incorporated into many different areas of learning, including math, science and social studies.". This sentence explains how journaling helps with other middle school subjects to be more academically successful in middle school and overcome situations.