
After being thoroughly dominated by Margie, her teacher, Shannon took out her wrestling frustrations on her regular sparring partner Kim, during their tag-team match with Margie and Shannons partner Marilyn. Tormenting Kim in a series of brutal scissors and a back bending grapevine, Shannon holds her young opponent in a hammerlock, while she recovers. She doesnt want to end the fall just yet and she was going to make Kim suffer... Shannon applied a little pressure to Kims already aching arm, trying to nudge the blonde into an escape attempt. It was also an excuse to press her body closer. Her thighs pushed against Kims plump ass, and Shannon could feel the warm touch of their per spiring bodies. Terrifying, I answered, shifting in the seat, my hijab wrapped about my face. It was a colorful affair, chosen by Wahida. But also eager. I wanted to help my futa-mother out. She had this dream of futas being accepted everywhere. Yes, President Woodward is very eager for it, said Adelia. The talk show host shifted as she sat beside me. She was a beautiful woman with caramel skin, her black hair swaying about her face. I was being interviewed on her afternoon show. Our talk was being streamed across the world. Do you have a close relationship with your mother. I have prepared my basement for the task to come. I made two beds with leg and arm restraints on each. There was a water line going to an old sink that was used a long time ago for when the room was used for canning fresh fruits and vegetables. Three of the walls were made of concrete block, and the fourth was framed out of wood with a solid door. A single light bulb was used to light the room that had been used for storage for years now. It was in the county, with nary a neighbor for miles.