Shopify Automatic Email: How It Can Boost Your Sales


Shopify is a popular e-commerce platform used by millions of businesses worldwide. One of the most effective marketing tools Shopify offers is automatic email. Shopify automatic email is a great way to reach out to your customers and boost your sales. In this article, we'll discuss how Shopify automatic email works and how you can use it to your advantage.

How Does Shopify Automatic Email Work?


Shopify automatic email is a feature that allows you to send customized emails to your customers based on their behavior on your website. For example, if a customer abandons their cart, you can send them an automatic email reminding them to complete their purchase. You can also send automatic emails to customers who haven't visited your website in a while, to entice them to come back and shop with you.


Using Shopify Automatic Email to Boost Your Sales:

Here are some ways you can use Shopify automatic email to boost your sales:


Abandoned Cart Emails:

Abandoned cart emails are one of the most effective ways to recover lost sales. When a customer adds items to their cart but doesn't complete their purchase, you can send them an automatic email reminding them to finish their transaction. In fact, according to Shopify, abandoned cart emails have an average open rate of 45%.


Product Recommendation Emails:

You can also use Shopify automatic email to send product recommendation emails to your customers. Based on their past purchases, you can suggest related or complementary products that they might be interested in. This can increase the chances of repeat purchases and boost your sales.


Win-Back Emails:

Win-back emails are a great way to re-engage with customers who haven't visited your website in a while. You can send them an automatic email with a special offer or discount code to entice them to come back and shop with you.


Thank You Emails:

Thank you emails are a simple but effective way to show your appreciation to your customers. You can send them an automatic email after they complete their purchase, thanking them for their business and encouraging them to shop with you again in the future.




Q. Can I customize my Shopify automatic email templates?

A. Yes, Shopify allows you to customize your automatic email templates with your brand logo, colors, and messaging.


Q. How often should I send automatic emails to my customers?

A. It depends on your business and customer behavior. You can set up automatic emails to be sent at specific intervals, or based on customer actions, such as abandoned carts or product views.


Q. Can I track the performance of my Shopify automatic emails?

A. Yes, Shopify provides analytics on your automatic email campaigns, including open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates.



Shopify automatic email is a powerful marketing tool that can help you reach out to your customers and boost your sales. By using abandoned cart emails, product recommendation emails, win-back emails, and thank you emails, you can engage with your customers and encourage them to shop with you again. With Shopify's customizable templates and analytics, you can easily set up and track the performance of your automatic email campaigns.