Shops open Good Friday nz

Good Friday laws in New Zealand - A fascinating tale
New Zealand's Good Friday trading laws have had a topsy turvy ride over the years!

In the early 1900s, trading on Good Friday was seen as disrespectful and disruptive to the somber atmosphere of the day. However, as the country became more secularized and the economy grew more reliant on tourism, public opinion began to shift.

In 2016, the National government finally passed a bill allowing shops to trade on Good Friday with the support of the Maori party. This decision sparked controversy at the time with many arguing that it would undermine the significance of the day. However, others welcomed the move, seeing it as a necessary concession to modern lifestyles.

Can you buy alcohol on Good Friday?
Yes, alcohol can be purchased on Good Friday in New Zealand, although some stores may choose to close or reduce their hours.
What are the pros and cons of allowing shops to open on Good Friday?
- Provides economic benefits to businesses and the economy.
- Allows tourists and others who work on Good Friday to have access to essential supplies and services.
- Gives people the freedom to choose how they want to spend their holiday.
- May undermine the religious significance of the day.
- Could lead to increased traffic and noise.
- May put pressure on employees to work on a public holiday.
The debate over Good Friday trading laws is a complex one with no easy answers. Ultimately, it is up to each individual to decide whether or not they support shops being open on this day.