In Vivo Pharmacokinetics Services

n vivo pharmacokinetics is mainly used to study the preclinical pharmacokinetics of drugs in experimental animals. Our company has extensive expertise in pharmacokinetics and can provide efficient methods to accelerate your rare disease therapy development. We can provide a one-stop, personalized, and customized service according to your specific needs.

Introduction to In Vivo Pharmacokinetics

Pharmacokinetics (PK) is dedicated to determining the absorption mechanism, biological distribution, and elimination of the drug from the body. After entering the body, drugs are absorbed into the bloodstream and transported across through biological membranes to target tissues to bind to receptors and produce a pharmacological effect. Once the effect has ended, the drug must be eliminated from the body. In vivo pharmacokinetic studies provide necessary and useful information for this, such as steady-state distribution, clearance, half-life, AUC, bioavailability, and tissue distribution, etc., to help understand the efficacy or toxicity of the drug in the body and provide more opportunities to discover more biologically and safer therapeutic drugs.

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Fig.1 Typical study process of in vivo pharmacokinetics.

Drug Absorption Studies

  • Oral Drug Absorption
  • Dermal Absorption
  • Other Non-Oral Drug Absorption

Quantitative Tissue Distribution Studies

  • Blood-brain Barrier Studies
  • Tissue Half-life Studies
  • Target Engagement Extent Studies
  • Excretion Route and Rate Studies

Bioavailability Studies

  • Biological Sample Analysis
  • Experimental Design and Execution
  • Data Analysis of Bioavailability Studies

Metabolite Profiling and Identification Studies

  • Structure Elucidation of Metabolites
  • Studies of The Metabolic Pathways
  • Determination of Relative Abundance of Metabolites

Mass Balance Studies

  • Mass Balance Studies in Animal Models
  • Radioactive Analysis of Standard Matrices
  • Radioactive Analysis of Alternative Matrices

Biliary Excretion Studies

  • Biliary Excretion Studies in Animal Models
  • Biliary Radioactive Analysis
  • Biliary Metabolite Identification
  • Enterohepatic Circulation Studies