Simon Bird – The Inbetweeners' Star

Written by an Irish Writer

The Inbetweeners

On the surface, The Inbetweeners is just another teen comedy about a group of friends navigating the awkward years of adolescence. But beneath the laughter, there's a lot of heart and genuine emotion. The characters are relatable, the jokes are sharp, and the writing is spot-on.
Simon Bird, who plays the character Will McKenzie, is one of the main reasons why the show is so successful. He brings a great deal of charm and vulnerability to the role, making Will a character that audiences can root for.
I had the pleasure of interviewing Simon Bird recently, and he was just as charming and funny in person as he is on screen. We talked about his career, his time on The Inbetweeners, and his plans for the future.
On his early days as an actor
I always loved making people laugh, so I started doing stand-up comedy when I was in my early twenties. I wasn't very good at first, but I kept at it and eventually I started to get better.
On getting the role of Will McKenzie
I auditioned for the role of Will McKenzie not thinking I had much of a shot. But I guess the casting directors saw something in me that they liked, and I got the part.
On what makes The Inbetweeners so special
I think the thing that makes The Inbetweeners so special is that it's a show about real people. The characters are all flawed, but they're also lovable. And I think that's something that audiences can relate to.
On his plans for the future
I'm really excited about the future. I've got a few new projects in the works, and I can't wait to share them with the world.
Simon Bird is a talented actor with a bright future ahead of him. I'm sure we'll be seeing a lot more of him in the years to come.