Siouxsie Wiles: The Punk Scientist Who Rocked New Zealand out of COVID-19

Siouxsie Wiles is a New Zealand microbiologist who became a household name during the COVID-19 pandemic. With her punk rock style and no-nonsense approach, she helped New Zealand achieve one of the lowest COVID-19 death rates in the world.

Wiles grew up in a small town in New Zealand. She was always interested in science, but she didn't fit the stereotypical image of a scientist. She had a rebellious streak and loved punk rock music. After graduating from university, she worked as a researcher at the University of Auckland. In 2015, she was awarded the Prime Minister's Science Prize for her work on antimicrobial resistance.

When the COVID-19 pandemic hit, Wiles quickly became a trusted voice for New Zealanders. She used her social media platforms to share clear and concise information about the virus. She also appeared on TV and radio shows to answer questions from the public. Wiles's frank and often humorous approach helped to reduce fear and anxiety about the pandemic.

Wiles's work was instrumental in helping New Zealand to achieve one of the lowest COVID-19 death rates in the world. The country's strict lockdown measures, which were based on Wiles's advice, helped to contain the virus. Wiles also played a key role in developing New Zealand's contact tracing system. This system helped to identify and isolate people who had been in contact with someone who had tested positive for COVID-19.

Wiles's success during the pandemic has made her a role model for many young people. She has shown that it is possible to be a scientist and still be yourself. She has also shown that science can be used to help people and make the world a better place.

In 2021, Wiles was awarded the New Zealand Order of Merit for her services to the COVID-19 response. She is now a professor of microbiology at the University of Auckland. She continues to use her voice to advocate for science and public health.

Here are some of Wiles's most memorable quotes:

  • "Science is not about facts. It's about finding the best possible explanation for the world around us."
  • "Don't be afraid to ask questions. Even if you think they're stupid."
  • "Science is for everyone. It's not just for people in white coats."
  • "The best way to fight misinformation is with good information."
Wiles is a true inspiration. She is a brilliant scientist, a passionate advocate for public health, and a role model for young people everywhere.