Skibidi Toilet - A Hallucinatory Tale

I'm sitting on the toilet, doing my business, when suddenly I hear a strange sound coming from the next stall. It's a faint, rhythmic tapping, like someone is lightly drumming their fingers on the wall.

I stop what I'm doing and listen more intently. The tapping continues, getting louder and more persistent.

Curiosity getting the better of me, I stand up and cautiously approach the next stall. I knock on the door and ask, "Excuse me, is everything alright in there?"

There's no response. I knock again, this time louder. Still no answer.

I'm starting to get a little worried. I put my ear to the door and listen. The tapping has stopped, but now I can hear a faint humming sound.

I take a deep breath and slowly open the door. The stall is empty.

I look around in confusion. There's no one hiding behind the toilet, under the sink, or in the shower. The only thing in the stall is a single, empty toilet paper roll.

I'm about to leave when I notice something strange. The toilet paper roll is moving.

I stare at it in disbelief. It's rolling back and forth, as if someone were pulling it from the inside.

I reach out and touch the roll. It's cold and damp. I slowly pull it out of the holder, and as I do, I hear a faint whisper.


I jump back in shock. "Who's there?" I ask.


The voice is coming from the toilet paper roll.

I take a closer look at the roll. It's starting to take on a human-like shape. I can see two eyes, a nose, and a mouth.


The mouth is moving. It's talking to me.

I'm not sure what to do. I'm both terrified and intrigued.

"Who are you?" I ask.


The toilet paper creature is starting to move. It's crawling towards me.

I back away, but it's too late. The creature reaches me and wraps its arms around my leg.


The creature's voice is getting louder. It's starting to sound like a chant.

"Skibidi... skibidi... skibidi..."

The creature's arms tighten around my leg. I can feel its cold, damp body against my skin.


The creature's eyes are glowing red. It's staring at me with an evil grin.


The creature's mouth is opening wider and wider. It's about to devour me.

I wake up with a start. I'm lying in my bed, covered in sweat. It was all a dream.

I take a deep breath and try to calm myself down. I can't believe I had a dream like that.

I'm not sure what it means, but I have a feeling it's something important. Maybe it's a warning to stay away from public toilets.

Or maybe it's just a reminder that anything can happen in the darkest corners of our mind.