Skinner Oilers

I did a double-take when I saw that headline. Skinner Oilers? What the heck does that mean? I'm a big fan of the Buffalo Sabres, so naturally, I had to investigate. As it turns out, the Skinner Oilers are a group of fans who support the Edmonton Oilers and their star player, Connor McDavid. Why Skinner Oilers, though? Well, that's a bit of a funny story.

You see, back in 2018, the Oilers were playing the Sabres in Buffalo. During the game, Sabres' defenseman, Jeff Skinner, laid a big hit on McDavid. McDavid didn't take too kindly to that and got in Skinner's face. The two exchanged some heated words, and the crowd went wild. It was a classic hockey moment.

After the game, McDavid was asked about the incident, and he said that he didn't appreciate Skinner's hit. He also said that he thought Skinner was trying to take him out of the game. Skinner, on the other hand, said that he was just playing hard and that he didn't intend to injure McDavid.

The incident sparked a bit of a rivalry between the two players, and the fans of both teams got involved. The Oilers fans started calling themselves the Skinner Oilers as a way to show their support for McDavid and their dislike of Skinner. The Sabres fans, of course, didn't take too kindly to that, and the two fan bases have been trading barbs ever since.

I think the Skinner Oilers are a great example of how passionate hockey fans can be. They're not afraid to show their support for their team, even if it means poking a little fun at their rivals. And that's what makes hockey so great. It's a game that brings people together, even if they're cheering for different teams.

So, if you're ever watching an Oilers game and you see a group of fans wearing Skinner Oilers jerseys, don't be afraid to give them a high-five. They're just a bunch of passionate hockey fans who love their team.