A Quick View on Pattern of Sleep & Aging Process


With the passage of time, when you grow older, the pattern of sleep get affected in several ways. You often experience changes in their nightly rest. These changes might be involve excessive sleepiness, early wake-up, poor sleep, tossing and turning etc. Although these symptoms are very common but waking up tired every morning and facing sleeplessness or insomnia is are not normal parts of aging. Believe or not, the importance of sleep in old age increases more than it used to be days when you were young. Here the article demonstrate some important information about aging and sleep-

Why does sleep get affected with increase in age?

When you age, your body starts producing lower level of growth hormones; therefore you will be unable to enjoy deep and restful sleep in the night. With the lower production of growth hormone, the efficacy of melatonin starts decreasing as you will find yourself waking up in the night. The function of internal body clock gets affected and it does not show the works in proper manner. You do not sleep and wake up at a certain time like before. You may likely to spend a longer time in bed trying to get into the sleep. You may get a shortfall or short nap during the day, but it is not enough to recharge your body. These are a few changes your body accepts when you get older.

Many men and women in the United Kingdom suffer from insomnia- a condition that makes an individual waking up for the whole night. Surprising but true that a large faction of population is depended on sleeping pills for a good night sleep. .

These prescribed sleeping tablets like Zopiclone, Diazepam tablets, Nitrazepam tablets, Ambein 10mg tablets, Temazepam tablets etc. are designed with efficient chemicals that help recovering sleep pattern and allow a great night sleep. Although the medicine is great enough, yet this is restricted for a short- term use only. Long term use of the medication may cause harms to the health. It is better opting for these simple methods to maintain natural sleep pattern in any kind of age-

  • Go for regular exercise as it has proven effects on human psychological activities, including sleep as well
  • Create sleep-friendly environment like enough darkness, clean mattress, cool temperature, and noise-free area
  • Improve daytime habits to get change in your nightly rest and be punctual on your sleep and wake-up time
  • Do not take coffee, tea and any other kind of stimulator, before going to the bed
  • Have diet rich in essential nutrients, vitamin, mineral, protein etc.
  • Improve your mood by doing some revitalizing and pleasing activities

Unlike eating, drinking and breathing, sleep is also a part of human activities needed to survive on this planet. Every individual must be concerned about this highly important psychological activity.