Do Not Ignore Your Slip and Fall Injury

When you have been involved in a slip and fall accident anywhere, you might be looking to put the event behind you as soon as possible. Slipping and falling in such a public venue is often embarrassing. Also, you might not want to create a scene or call more attention to it than is necessary. But, if you suffered an injury in one of these accidents, you need to take it really seriously. Also, you should not just ignore the situation or avoid filing a personal injury case.

Here are some top reasons why:

Your Injuries Could Cost You too much
When you are a victim of slipping and falling case, you might think that all will get back to normal and that it is just a matter of time. However, taking it easy can prove to be not-so-beneficial for you. It will aggravate the injury all the more.Chances are that your injuries could be a lot more costly than you think. Keep in mind that medical care is not cheap.Also, if you do not file an accident report detailing the incident, then you might not have a case when you realize your injuries are more serious than you originally thought. The worst part is that you might bear the costs of your medical treatments all by yourself. From being out of work for a few days, you also have might have to undergo loss of a few wages. At the back of your mind, you know very well that you should not be responsible for these costs. After all, the accident was not your fault.

Responsible Parties Should Be liable to contribute to the expenses suffered by you
It is the duty of the business owners to ensure that their establishments are as safe as possible for their patrons. In case they are not held responsible for accidents that happen, they might not be more careful in the future. This could put others at risk of getting injured. When you pursue a case, you can help hold responsible parties responsible for the injuries that they cause. This even refers indirectly to their patrons.

A slip and fall accident is not something that you should ignore.You cannot just afford to let it go. You need to realize your situation, your options, and your rights. Make sure to contact a well-reputed law firm like the Schiffrin P.A. for a free case evaluation.

Victims of slip-and-fall accidents might experience a wide variety of injuries. The severity of these injuries depends on how they fell and how they landed.

Here is a list of the common types of Slip-and-Fall Injuries:

Back, neck, and spinal cord injuries: The second most common cause of spinal cord injury (SCI) is falling. A slip-and-fall accident might result in broken vertebrae in the back or neck, as well as compression of the spinal cord. The serious back and neck injuries often lead to a lifetime of pain and treatment, and damage to the spinal cord can result in partial or full paralysis.

Head, skull, and brain injuries: Most of the victims hit their heads when they fall. This gives way to skull fractures or traumatic brain injuries (TBI) like concussions. Head and brain injuries can impact a person physically and emotionally for several years or even lifelong in the worst case scenario. Severe traumatic brain injuries can badly damage a person’s cognitive skills, speech abilities, and movement. Treatment is ongoing and continues for a long time.It often involves a team of therapists and life-care planners.

Broken bones and fractures: Most of the people will instinctively try to save themselves from a fall. Hands, wrists, elbows, arms, knees, and shoulders can bear the brunt of the force as people try to protect themselves from deep injury. Older people usually suffer fractures of the hips and pelvis in falls. Broken bones may require a simple cast or a more serious treatment plan, including surgeries to insert metal plates, rods, pins, and screws. The victims might even require rehabilitative therapy, and they can suffer long-term pain and arthritis down the road.

Soft-tissue injuries: Falls can result in torn or stretched tendons, ligaments, and muscles anywhere in the body. These strains and sprains may seem trifling at first, but if left untreated, they can turn grave. Initial treatment might include medication as well as icing and elevating the injured area. For intense soft-tissue injuries, your doctor might recommend surgery or physical therapy.

Bruising and lacerations: Most of the cuts and bruises might seem like minor injuries after a slip-and-fall accident. But, you should always have them examined by a doctor. Lacerations might require stitches and precautions to prevent serious infections. Bruises might be sure signs of internal injuries that should not be ignored.

Workplace injuries: These injuries are a result of falls. When you slip and fall at work, you might be entitled to pursue a workers’ compensation claim and a personal injury claim. This depends on the circumstances of your accident.


Fall accidents that can lead to the filing of a personal injury claim or lawsuit involve:

Trip-and-fall accidents: This is when a foreign object in the walking path

Stump-and-fall" accidents: This is when there is an impediment in the walking surface

Step-and-fall" accidents: This is when there is an unexpected failure or hole in the walking surface

Slip-and-fall" accidents: This is one in which the interface of the shoe and the floor fails, usually because of a slick surface.

When a slip-and-fall accident occurs, you should see a doctor immediately. Seeking immediate medical attention does not only protect your health, it also initiates the documentation process for your personal injury claim. Proper documentation can be done by your doctor to give a clear idea of the extent of your injury, your treatment plan, and the progress you are making toward recovery. All of this information will be used as evidence in your case to support the extent of your injuries and strengthen your case eventually.

The experienced slip and fall lawyers at Mark Schiffrin P.A.might also enlist the help of medical experts and life-care planners to provide assessments on how your injuries will affect you into the future. These specific calculations might factor into the amount of compensation.