Smith Hughes: Vapor Power Steam Generators


The Circulatic Line

Low Cost, process and heating steam for Industrial and Commercial Application.

Recirculating Water Tube Units to: 600 BPH and 530 psig 20,700 lbs. per hour.

Key Features of The Circulatic Vapor Steam Generator

• Rapid start up - from cold start to full load in five minutes.

• Easy access to burners - end mounted burner is simple to maintain.

• High quality steam - guaranteed 99% + dry steam.

• Low cost coil replacement - multiple coil design permits damaged coil replacement.

• Minimal soot problems - separate combustion chamber prevents coating coils with partially burned fuels.

• Minimum prepurge energy loss - smaller size unit allows proper prepurge in seconds.

• Low fuel requirements - air preheating and refractory lined chamber for complete combustion.

• Simplified fuel switching - only have to turn selector, no burner changes required.

• Quick response to load changes - cycle time of less than one minute.

• Minimum off-on cycling - turndown ratios up to 10-1 for handling wide range of loads.

• Complete line - nine sizes to permit proper selection for any application.

• Low installation costs - packaged, compact units require only 60% of floor space needed for firetube boilers.

• Long life with minimum maintenance - coil design pressure of 1000 psig result in thicker coil walls for longer life.

• Easy installation skid mounted assembly including control console.

• Optimum efficiency at any load - full modulation of water, air, fuel & output.

• Maximum safety - steam drum located outside of firing zone.

For more details, just visit our website.