Smoke haze Melbourne

It’s dark. The sun is trying to peek through a thick hazy layer of smoke but it’s having no luck. We’ve had more high pollution days than not in the last few weeks, and my heart sinks as I see the air quality forecast predict more of the same for the next few days. The smoke is the result of bushfires that are burning in the north-eastern part of the state. The winds have been carrying the smoke down towards the city and it’s causing all sorts of problems.

The air quality is so bad that it’s been affecting people’s health. There have been reports of people with asthma and other respiratory conditions having difficulty breathing. The smoke can also irritate the eyes, nose and throat. I’ve definitely noticed my eyes feeling sore at the end of the day.

The smoke is also causing problems for people who are trying to get around. The visibility is so poor that it’s dangerous to drive and there have been several accidents. Public transport has also been affected, with some trains and buses being cancelled or delayed.

The smoke is also having a negative impact on the environment. The smoke is blocking out the sunlight, which can affect the growth of plants. It can also pollute waterways and damage wildlife. The smoke is also contributing to climate change, as it releases greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.

The smoke haze is a reminder of the impact that human activity is having on the environment. The bushfires that are causing the smoke are a result of climate change, which is being caused by the burning of fossil fuels. We need to take action to reduce our emissions and protect our planet for future generations.