Snow on Table Mountain

Let me tell you about a very unusual sight – snowfall in Cape Town!
Last week, Cape Town and the surrounding areas experienced snowfall on Table Mountain and the surrounding peaks, something that doesn't happen very often. The last snowfall was in 2021, and before that in 2018.
The Table Mountain Cable Car shared some awesome photos of the snow-covered landscape, so I felt I had to share this spectacle with you.
Table Mountain is considered a flat-topped mountain and is the highest point on the Cape Peninsula. It's one of the most iconic landmarks in South Africa, and it's a popular tourist destination because of the cable car that takes tourists to the summit.
Table Mountain is also part of the Table Mountain National Park, which forms part of the Cape Floral Region, a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
The snow-covered mountain was visible from quite a distance, and it was a beautiful sight to behold. I'm glad I was able to witness this rare event, and I hope you enjoy the photos as much as I do.
A Little Bit of Science
Snow occurs when water vapor in the air freezes into ice crystals. These ice crystals then clump together to form snowflakes. The snowflakes fall to the ground when they become too heavy to stay suspended in the air.
The snow on Table Mountain was caused by a cold front that moved across the country. The cold front brought with it cold, moist air, which condensed and froze into snow.
The Impact of Snowfall
The snowfall on Table Mountain didn't cause any major disruptions, but it did result in some road closures. The snow also caused some power outages, but these were quickly restored.
The snowfall was a welcome sight for many Cape Town residents, as it brought some much-needed relief from the hot summer weather. It was also a beautiful sight to behold, and it reminded me of how lucky I am to live in such a beautiful country.