Enterprise Software Buyers Toolkit
Selecting the right Accounting, CRM, HR or Payroll Software can be a daunting and time-consuming task, so to help you we’ve put together the “Software Buyers Toolkit”.
Our “Software Buyers Toolkit” contains the following useful content:
1. Software Selection Overview. This brief guide of the software selection process breaks it down into 10 easily manageable steps.
2. The 7 most important things you should have in place when selecting new software. A useful summary of the 7 most critical factors for a successful selection.
3. 20 Top Tips for Reducing Software Selection Costs. Shows you how to control costs and make savings in the software selection process, and still select the best software for your organisation.
4. Troubleshooting Systems Requirements: False Requirements. This troubleshooting guide covers 10 common false requirements (ie requirements that are inappropriate, misleading or not real) and possible ways to resolve them.
5. Troubleshooting Systems Requirements: Problems Gathering Requirements. This troubleshooting guide covers nine common‘ requirements gathering process’ problems and possible ways to overcome them.
6. Brochure. For Axia Consulting services and products.
7. Price list of Axia’s ‘RFI/RFP Templates’, plus how to order a copy.
8. System Requirements Specification Evaluation Sheet. A simple Excel spreadsheet tool to validate your completed system requirements specification and to quickly identify any problems. Contains 60 questions. (MS Excel 97-2003 format).
9. A list of 75 Accounting, CRM, HR, Payroll and ERP software vendors. Includes links to the software vendors, so you can quickly check them out.
Get your FREE Software Buyers Toolkit now, plus receive regular System Selection Tips and Advice, with our FREE monthly ‘System Selection Expert Newsletter’. It includes practical tips, articles and advice on software system selection, and tools / templates you can download and use.