How Does SonoFit Hearing Support Formula Work?


By identifying the cause of tinnitus and other hearing impairments, SonoFit effectively restores your hearing health.


SonoFit fights inflammation and safeguards your eardrum with its antioxidant properties, promoting auditory health and enhancing hearing.

Tinnitus is typically the result of decreased elasticity caused by inflammation, which is, in turn, often triggered by a weakened immune response. This new threat can be worsened by the presence of toxins found in your food or medication.  


SonoFit functions as a protective “inner eardrum bandage” that helps to calm and safeguard your ear health by addressing the underlying cause of hearing impairment.


Utilizing 100 per cent cold-pressed oils backed by scientific research effectively reduces inflammation.


Additionally, SonoFit gradually eliminates the buildup of ototoxins and earwax that often obstruct sound waves from reaching the eardrum, restoring elasticity and reinforcing the ear.


 SonoFit can address a range of hearing problems and rejuvenate the ear from the inside out by encouraging the body’s natural healing process and reversing tinnitus.

Ingredients found in SonoFit:




It plays a vital role in reducing inflammation and irritation in the ear. The herb has been used for centuries as a natural remedy for various ailments, including respiratory and ear-related issues.

Its anti-inflammatory properties help to counteract inflammation in the ear, which can often result in pain and discomfort. By maintaining a healthy inflammatory response, mullein helps to nourish and hydrate the eardrum, promoting healthy ear function.

Garlic Oil


Garlic is known for its natural healing properties and has been used for centuries for its medicinal benefits. Garlic contains an allicin compound, which has strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.


These properties help to boost the body’s natural defense mechanisms, which can help to prevent the onset of ear infections. Garlic supports the body in flushing out ototoxins, which are harmful toxins that can accumulate in the ear and cause damage.


Olive Oil


The essential nutrients in olive oil can help to clear the earwax from the ear canal, which can often accumulate and cause discomfort.


By removing excess earwax, olive oil helps to improve the function of the eardrum, making it easier for the ear to receive sound. In addition to its physical benefits, olive oil can also have a positive impact on mental health.


 Lavender Oil


It is well-known for its calming aroma and ability to promote relaxation, making it an ideal choice for alleviating ear discomfort and pain. Its analgesic properties help reduce inflammation and relieve earaches, which can often result in tinnitus.


In addition to its pain-relieving effects, lavender oil has been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties that can help to reduce inflammation in the ear.


Tea Tree Oil


Tea tree oil is a powerful ingredient in SonoFit that offers a wide range of benefits for the ears. It is well-known for its antiseptic and wound-healing properties, which can naturally mend infected areas and promote healthy ear function over time.