Soun of Ogbomoso

Ogbomoso kii gba sile bi ogbo, Ogbomoso kii gba sile bi mosun, as a Yoruba proverb states, meaning "Ogbomoso stands tall like a mighty Iroko tree, and it stands firm like the mosun plant". The people of Ogbomoso live up to this proverb, and their pride in their town is evident in all they do.
The Soun of Ogbomoso is the traditional ruler of Ogbomoso, and he is a highly respected figure in the community. The current Soun, Oba Jimoh Oyewumi Ajagungbade III, was crowned in 1973, and he has been a wise and benevolent ruler ever since.
Oba Ajagungbade is a man of great vision and wisdom, and he has led Ogbomoso into a new era of prosperity. He has invested heavily in education and healthcare, and he has also worked to promote economic development in the town. As a result of his efforts, Ogbomoso is now one of the most prosperous towns in Oyo State.
Oba Ajagungbade is also a great patron of the arts and culture, and he has done much to promote the Yoruba language and culture. He has established a number of cultural centers and museums, and he has also supported the work of local artists and musicians. As a result of his efforts, Ogbomoso is now a major center of Yoruba culture.
The Soun of Ogbomoso is a man of great dignity and compassion, and he is deeply respected by his people. He is a true leader, and he has made a significant contribution to the development of Ogbomoso.
I have had the privilege of meeting Oba Ajagungbade on several occasions, and I have always been impressed by his wisdom and compassion. He is a true leader, and he has made a significant contribution to the development of Ogbomoso. I am proud to call myself a citizen of Ogbomoso, and I am grateful for the leadership of Oba Ajagungbade.

Ogbomoso is a town with a rich history and culture, and it is a place that is proud of its traditions.

The Soun of Ogbomoso is a symbol of the town's pride and heritage, and he is a man who is deeply respected by his people.

Oba Ajagungbade is a wise and compassionate leader, and he has made a significant contribution to the development of Ogbomoso.

I am proud to call myself a citizen of Ogbomoso, and I am grateful for the leadership of Oba Ajagungbade.

Ogbomoso is a town with a bright future, and I am confident that under the leadership of Oba Ajagungbade, the town will continue to prosper and grow.