South Florida flash flooding: How to stay safe

Have you ever been caught in a flash flood? The sudden rush of water can be terrifying. I've seen it happen on my street before and it's not something I'd wish on anyone. That's why it's important to know what to do if you're ever in this situation.
Get to Higher Ground
The first step is to get to higher ground as quickly as possible. If you're in a building, go to the highest floor. If you're outside, find the nearest hill or high spot.

Don't try to walk or drive through floodwaters. Even a few inches of water can be enough to knock you off your feet. And remember, the water may be deeper than it looks. If you come across a flooded road, turn around and find another route.

Avoid Downed Power Lines
Flooding can also cause power lines to fall. If you see a downed power line, stay away from it. Call 911 immediately and report it.

Electricity can travel through water, so even if a power line is not touching the ground, it can still be dangerous. If you must cross a flooded area where there are downed power lines, use a wooden stick to push the wires out of the way.

Be Aware of Debris
Flooding can also carry debris, such as trees, rocks, and cars. Be aware of your surroundings and watch for debris that could hit you or your vehicle.

If you're driving, slow down and be prepared to stop suddenly. If you see debris in the road, try to avoid it. If you can't avoid it, be careful and drive slowly.

Stay Informed
It's important to stay informed about the latest weather conditions. Listen to the radio or TV for updates, or check the internet for information.

If a flash flood warning is issued for your area, be prepared to take action. Follow the instructions of local officials and be ready to evacuate if necessary.

Flash flooding can be a dangerous situation, but by following these tips, you can help stay safe:
  • Get to higher ground as quickly as possible.
  • Avoid downed power lines.
  • Be aware of debris.
  • Stay informed about the latest weather conditions.
By following these tips, you can help stay safe during a flash flood.