Southbourne Surf Group: One of the Toughest but Rewarding Job

Many people think that lifesavers of beaches are a piece of cake job, that they are just a bunch of well-tanned muscular bodies watching and patrolling the ocean. But it is one of the toughest jobs where lives are involved.

For me, being a lifesaver is more like becoming a hero of the sea. As you get to spend your time constantly watching and guarding the sea crowded with people just to make sure that all swimmers, surfers and body boarders are safe and having a fun time in the water.

Being a lifesaver is a tough job for the volunteer members of Southbourne Surf Life Saving Club. However, their passion and commitment for this type of job are much greater than the hardships. For many, being a lifesaver is the most rewarding job where you get to save lives, interact with thousands of different people and make lifelong friendships that could never be traded for anything. No wonder, many people especially the youth in Southbourne are interested to join and become a member of Southbourne Surf Life Saving Club. They want too, the rewarding feeling that can get by being a lifesaver. The club operates from a beach hut at the bottom of St. Catherine’s path near the seaside eatery Bistro on the Beach from which members conduct daily patrols on foot carrying their valuable equipment like rescue boards and surf skis and a well-maintained rescue boat on shore.

Southbourne Surf Life Saving Club offers a Nipper program for children ages 7 to 12 years old. Under the program, they will be taught surf safety and lifesaving skills as well as the use of rescue equipment and surf and beach sports.

Young members of the club are regarded as the Life Savers of the Future, they compose the very spirit of Southbourne Surf Life Saving Club. Moreover, the club also offers Life Saving Sports for ages twelve to sixteen and a course in Beach Lifeguard Qualification, Leadership and Instructor Development and Sports Coaching for members at the age of sixteen and above.

Since 1986, the club provided safety cover for various water-based activities and events like marathons, triathlons and air shows held in Southbourne beach. Southbourne Surf Life Saving Club indeed strives to make the community a safe and active place for the residents and tourists of Southbourne.