Sparks Corporation USA Management Services: Who We Serve

Our Clients and Their Success Is What Drives Us to Succeed

Sparks Corporation has long provided excellent service to a discriminating clientele made up of business owner-proprietors, corporate managers, professionals and retired married partners. With our diverse group of business-minded individuals and professional entities, we have learned to cater to a broad range of clients possessing different investment circumstances and financial positions. This diversity and complexity find their nexus in a unified confluence of an investment experience with our dedicated team of professionals seeking a realization of our clients’ financial aspirations.

High Net Worth

High Net Worth
Our top-rated clients consist mostly of individuals and their families who have accumulated large assets within their lifetime. With their significant wealth, the desire to have a suitable financial structure becomes crucial, one that covers broader diversification and not merely consisting of traditional types, such as equities, fixed income and cash. Hence, we cater to clients who invariably possess such assets as art works, jewelry as well as real estate. These non-traditional wealth sources provide us a dynamic approach to wealth preservation and enhancement.


Affluent Private InvestorsAffluent Private Investors

On the other hand, we also have clients who are private investors who continue to produce wealth through business or employment, or who reached their retirement years with assets capable of sustaining a financially worry-free and comfortable lifestyle. Sparks Corporation spends precious time with such clients to help them realize that an efficient financial planning remains crucial to their continued success and the meticulous budgeting remains a vital tool for achieving their future security or income objectives.


Early Stage and Accumulation of WealthEarly Stage and Accumulation of Wealth

Majority of people do not realize the crucial importance of seeking professional financial advice early in their working career. New college graduates and middle-aged professionals generally have not accumulated sufficient liquid assets but require help in financial planning to guarantee their investment choices align with their personal aspirations.