Special reports package

Proven advertising, copywriting and marketing secrets revealed by business pros who use them to promote their own and other's businesses with astounding success…..


"How To Build Your Small Business Quickly or Move Your Product Line Fast With Advertising Techniques Many Experts Don’t Even Know About!"


Discover How To Convert Constant Cascades of Customers Eager To Hand You Cash -- NOW!... 


How would you like to:


● Never again have to worry about money, cash flow or customers… 


● Instantly convert a constant stream of high quality prospects ready to do business with you TODAY!


● Use the latest proven research on what motivates people to buy, what make people procrastinate to buy, what makes people reject your offer (and how to overcome these problems)... 


● Double or triple the number of interested potential customers by tickling their deepest desires!


● Gain control over your flow of business to eliminate "feast or famine" periods of business activity… 


● Get as much new business as you want -- whenever you need it!


My new “Marketing Special Reports Package” reveals a series of methods my clients and I have used to produce millions of dollars in sales during the past 19 years.


(Picture of Special Reports or money) 


In this package, you'll discover fast, easy, and brutally effective ways to compel endless streams of prospects ready to do business with you today!


This complete "digital seminar” takes you through every detail of successful, easy to follow direct response methods to produce an endless flood of interested prospects into paying customers right now! 


You get 14 modules with a detailed explanation of exactly what goes into each step of the sales process ...everything from mastering free social media marketing to having customers obsess about your products and services. 


Taking complex concepts of how consumers’ minds work and respond. And then presented them in easy-to-understand and easy-to-use language, you'll discover exactly how to produce a constant stream of qualified prospects for your business -- day after day after day -- regardless of what product or service you offer.


Your Key To Business Success...


Obviously, you need a continuous flow of sales to be successful. Lack of sales is the biggest single reason for business failure. This “Marketing Special Reports Package" reveals exactly how to generate a constant flow of potential customers ready to do business with you NOW.


Once you've discovered how to convert a constant stream of hot prospects you'll never again have to worry about finding customers.


Whether you sell on the Internet, by mail-order, by phone, at meetings or by visiting individually with prospects ...you'll always have an easy, low-cost way to instantly generate a constant flow of qualified, interested hot prospects. You'll truly possess "the keys to the business kingdom". 


This Marketing Special Reports Package packs our years of successful experience in persuading customers into a big package of persuasive material. In this bundle of material, you'll discover:


● Quick & Easy Catalog Copy. Do you or your clients sell a line of products? Do you want to sell more of them? Do you want to upsell? If you answer “YES!” then you need this special report. This report will give you great ideas for postcard marketing as well.


● How to Write Stories that Make Your Products Sell Like Mad. Here’s how you can structure the same types of stories top copywriters use. In the AIDA (Attention, Interest, Desire, Action) model of copywriting, stories are perfect for the “Interest” section of the copywriting sequence. If you don’t gain prospects interest, you’ve lost them. 


● Delicious Food Descriptions. Now have the ability to influence the customers’ decisions towards menu items that generate more profit. If you own a restaurant, catering business, food stall…or…you have dreamed up a food product (or a line of products), you need this report to entice people (especially people with large social and professional networks) to try your offerings! 


● Subliminal Mind Hacks. Do you want the skills to influence others quickly and effortlessly? How great would it be if you could just say a couple of sentences or ask a couple of questions and see the person change right in front of you? Let me tell you. It’s uncanny! Subliminal Mind Hacks is based on solid research and in-depth, hands-on experience. 


● Super Sales for App Creators. If you create iPhone or Android apps and want the maximum exposure with maximum sales using a variety of psychological methods, then this Special Report will guide you through the gauntlet of this highly competitive field. 


● How to Write Persuasive Letters, Emails and Other Written Correspondence Using Psychological Motivators . Do you sometimes have to write a letter to your Congressperson or MP to convince them to take (or avoid) a course of action? Do you occasionally have to write a letter requesting funds? Or how about an email where you REALLY need someone to follow up? We all have times where we need to persuade a person—especially a person of influence— to do something in your, your family’s, your company’s or your community’s best interest. I’ve created a special report which helps you do just that. 


● Compelling Landing Pages. As you know, most businesses need at least one landing page to create a list of eager subscribers, fans and buyers. Problem is, most people don’t know how to set up an effective landing page or if they do, they are very disappointed with the results. There is plenty of information online about putting up a landing page, but nothing that REALLY shows you how to draw thousands of visitors in and have them enthusiastically sign up to be on your list.


This new guide will show you step-by-step how to use hidden and secret persuasive principles of the most highly converting landing pages that you can put to use right away. Imagine having hundreds (at first) to thousands of people eager to receive your messages from you AND to become loyal customers. If  you need this,  than get this guide today. 


● The Art of Writing Bullets That Sway and Coax. Hey, how would you like the ability to write well-crafted bullet points that not only make your advertising more readable, engaging and attractive, but also help you sell far more than you would without them?


This report is based on years of working with some of the most talented and persuasive people in the advertising world and direct response marketing field. And experience shows that this is the best way to master something as important as “salesmanship in print.”  Let me ask you this: have you ever bought something just because of ONE bullet point grabbed you by the collar  and you said to yourself, “I need this!” Hah! I certainly have...and never regretted it.


● How to Write Persuasive Sponsored Content. Here is something special for you that you might find extremely useful—especially if you use, or are thinking about using, content marketing. This special report shows you how to create persuasive sponsored content. You can use this type of powerful content on your website, in articles and blog posts, in videos, or podcasts. As you probably know, one of the best ways to influence and persuade someone is without their realizing it. And using advertorials and sponsored content with persuasion elements weaved throughout is a highly effective way of getting people to follow your call to action without resistance. This report shows you the highly effective ways to do it.


● What the World’s Most Successful Small Businesses Know About Social Media Marketing. Free advertising. Sounds wonderful, doesn't it? Well, as you probably know the latest rage is mark on social media and NOT putting on and paying for advertisements as such. This module teaches how you, as a future business owner or a veteran entrepreneur can help your enterprise be as successful as it can. For FREE! All these many social media channels offer a unique set of advantages and challenges in the online business world. Your business will do much better in growing itself and give you more time and money!


● Attentional Bias Report. (AKA “Creating Obsessions in Your Products”) Have you ever saw a product you wanted to have…but you didn’t buy it? Then, for days later, you kept on thinking about the desired object over and over…until your obsession led you to buy it? Did you know you can created that same state in others for YOUR products? Well, you can! 


● How to Act, Think and Behave Like a Persuasion Guru. Here you will have the methods top influencers use. From Benjamin Franklin and Edward Bernays to Tony Robbins and Richard Bandler to Steve Jobs. Excellent guide on getting others to do what you want in all sorts of situations You'll completely upgrade your communication skills with this module. Interested in the psychology of persuasion? Look no further.


● Outstanding Offers and Fantastic Freebies. (CONTENT HERE). If you’ve been in direct response long enough, you probably know that exciting offers and freebies drive more sales than pretty much anything else (except low prices)...... 


● Super Sales Secrets. How would like to add a few more psychological tools to your persuasion toolbox? I’ve come up with a special report that shows you how to add more influence that will make your message more memorable, create ads where you can actually lie and people will believe you (not recommended though), and get this….if you are an advertising copywriter, you will be able to easily and effortlessly create awesome taglines and slogans that companies will pay great money. 


As you consider the benefits of owning this special reports package, you might like to (WHAT?)


A Quick Word About My Background And Experience

My name is Lou Larsen. For almost 20 years I created persuasive advertising for one some of the biggest companies and ad agencies in the world. My creations produced million dollars of sales and continue to produce new sales every month.

In the past 19 years, I've helped big and small companies in all fields of business increase their sales and profits with my ad copy and techniques . Now, with this package ...YOU can be among the first to copy these same proven profit makers to build YOUR small business -- Fast.


Order Now and Save $ 

The regular price for this special reports package would be over one hundred dollars. For a limited time only, you can get it for a BIG discount -- only $49.97.


Plus... for a very limited time only, something I've never offered before:
-- A Free 1-on-1 personal coaching session with me (a $50 value). After going through my material, you can email me me for a personal consultation and I won't charge you.

No Risk - 100% Money Back Guarantee! 


If for any reason you don't like The Special Reports Package , tell me anytime within 60 days and I'll refund 100% of your money within 48 hours - no questions asked. You have nothing to lose when you order now.

Don't delay. Take advantage of this special discount price ...Plus your Free 1-on-1 personal coaching session with me. Download your package right now...


Just click on the BUY NOW button below, where you will be taken to a PayPal page (via E-Junkie) where you can pay with your PayPal account, credit card or debit card. Immediately, you’ll get an email with the download link and be going through the reports in just minutes from now. 

 Click here to download

Imagine how good you'll feel when you start converting more visitors into paying customers, and it's all possible with this package!