Sri Lankan Immigration To Australia

Sri Lankans are the 12th largest ethnic group in Australia, but there has to be some kind of history. Why did they come? When did they come? What challenges did they face?

Why did Sri Lankans immigrate?

Sri Lankans have experienced many problems within their country. This caused many people to immigrate. The two largest problems were/are to find jobs and/or escape the Civil War.

When did Sri Lankans immigrate?

Sri Lankan migration began in the 1960s, but only began coming in large groups in the mid - 1970s.

What challenges did/do they face?

If an immigrant does not have the proper passport or documents, they may be forced to return to their country or spend time in a detention center. They must wait at the detention center until they are allowed to enter the country properly. But if you tried to migrate to Australia before the 1970s, the White Australia Policy would have restrained you.

What objects or foods did Sri Lankans bring to Australia?

After it's independence from Britain, Sri Lanka (still called Ceylon back then) opened a High Commision for trading in Canberra. Over the years, many Sri Lankan politicians visited Australia, and vice versa. Sri Lanka has exported tea, rubber, metals, textiles and clothing, while Australia exported dairy and vegetables.


Fun Facts

  • There are 86,412 Sri Lankan Australians

  • Shanaka Fernando was the 2007 Australian Local Hero

  • Andrew De Silva was the Australia’s Got Talent 2012 winner

  • 1 in 277 Australians aproximately are Sri Lankan or are of Sri Lankan descent

  • After the Civil War, many former Tamil Tigers (especially female soldiers) found it hard to fit in, find jobs, or marry because of their descent