Star Wars video activity


Who are you? I'm  _____     ______ .

I was _____________ to do one ___________. But I have nothing to _________ ______.

Nothing will _____________ in our way. I will finish what ________    __________

There are ______________ about what ______________. It's true, all of it. The Dark ___________. The ______________.  They're real.

The __________is calling to you. Just _______   ___  in.




Who are you? I'm  no one.

I was raised to do one thing. But I have nothing to fight for.

Nothing will stand in our way. I will finish what you started.  

There are stories about what happened. It's true, all of it. The Dark Side. The Jedi.  They're real.

The  Force is calling to you. Just let it in.