Stella Creasy

It all started with a simple tweet. I was expressing my frustration with the lack of childcare options for women in Parliament, and Stella Creasy, the Labour MP for Walthamstow, replied, offering to help.

I was taken aback by her kindness and willingness to help. I had never met Stella before, but she was clearly a woman who was passionate about making a difference in the lives of women and families.

We met for coffee soon after, and I was even more impressed by her in person. She was warm, funny, and incredibly intelligent. She told me about her own experiences as a working mother, and how she had fought to make Parliament a more family-friendly place.

I was inspired by Stella's story, and I knew that I wanted to help her in her fight for better childcare. We started working together on a campaign to get the government to provide more affordable childcare, and I was amazed by her determination and resilience.

Stella is a true force of nature. She is a tireless advocate for women and families, and she is not afraid to speak her mind. She is a role model for all of us who want to make a difference in the world.

I am so grateful that Stella Creasy is in Parliament. She is a voice for the voiceless, and she is making a real difference in the lives of women and families.

Here are just a few of the things that Stella has achieved:

  • She led the campaign to get the government to provide free childcare for two-year-olds from low-income families.
  • She successfully campaigned for a change in the law to make it easier for women to get custody of their children after a domestic violence incident.
  • She is currently working on a campaign to get the government to provide paid parental leave for all parents.

Stella Creasy is a true champion for women and families. She is a tireless advocate for change, and she is making a real difference in the world.