How to Install a Stone Basin?

If you're looking for a traditional look for your home, you should consider installing a stone basin. This type of basin can easily add character and style to your home and is also a great way to keep your flooring clean and tidy. Here are some tips on how to install a stone basin:

1. Check with your homeowner's insurance company to see if they cover the installation of a stone basin. Many companies now have elaborate homeowner insurance policies that include coverage for certain home improvements.

2. Find a qualified contractor to help you install your stone basin. Make sure the contractor you hire is experienced in installing stone basins and be sure to ask about their qualifications and experience in this area.

3. Prepare the area where you plan to install your stone basin. Make sure the area is clean and free from debris, and remove any old flooring or carpets that may need to be removed.

4. Choose the type of stone basin that will best suit your needs. There are many different types of stone basins available on the market today, so it's important to choose one that will complement the look of your home. Some popular stones used in basins include travertine, granite, and marble.

5. Measure the area where you plan to install your stone basin, and then calculate the necessary dimensions of the basin. Be sure to include an overflow area for flooding if needed and a drain area for cleaning.

6. Mix a small amount of mortar or stucco adhesive in a bucket or wheelbarrow, then apply it to the bottom of the basin. Make sure the adhesive is evenly coated across the bottom of the basin, and press the basin into place on top of the adhesive.

7. Place smaller stones ornaments around the edge of your basin, and then attach the larger stones using mortar or stucco adhesive. Remove any excess adhesive before landscaping or painting over your basin.


If you want to add a touch of traditional charm to your home, choosing a stone basin might be a perfect way. Our selection at The Stone Store has various types and styles of stone basins, all of which can give your home a unique look that will make it stand out from the crowd. If you're unsure what type of basin would be best for your home, our experts are always happy to help you find the perfect option for your needs. Contact us today to learn more about our selection and how we can help you bring this traditional style into your home!